Tuesday, August 15, 2006

bunch of whing and shit

So this will really be short since I am watching Rock Star Supernova now and then I am watching Big Brother after it. I just wanted to fill you in on the shitty-ass week continuing still. Remember last week, with Kristen not sleeping well, and I was all melancholy about the world ending and such shit? So, Thursday night, Kristen has a terrible night, and I am dragging my ass all Friday. So at 10:30, we decide to go to bed and get a good sleep, because my dad wanted me to meet him at the farmer's market at 7:30 Saturday morning, remember? So we go to bed, and the minute I get in bed, I realize I am so cold, and shivering, and then whammo, I am burning - BURNING - with a fucking fever hotter than Saddam's ass. Well, I shiver all night, then sweat and soak the bed, and then shiver again... And I am up until 2 or so, and then awake every hour. SO at 7 I drag my ass out of bed, and somehow make it to the farmer's market to see my senile father, because supposedly he was so excited to meet down there and then go for coffee. So I am dizzy and lightheaded and don't know how I will form two sentences, but I go. Well then, I make it there and Dad is waiting for me, and then my dad asks what I want, and we go to like 3 stalls, and he's ready to go, and then he LEAVES. No coffee or nothing. I was too tired to care. So all weekend I was fevered and sick and my throat got sore and tonsils swollen, and it was so stupid.
So then as Saturday progresses, Rachel gets all achy and sore, and she still is on Sunday, and then I get achy and my shoulders and neck completely spaz out and I am in intense pain until today with that. AND THEN... I am not sure if I mentioned that Rachel's sister's kids were sick, and supposedly had mono. Well, we are doubtful that they actually did have it. But anyway, their baby broke out with a rash last week, and yesterday, so did Brianne. And then so did my wife.... so we cart ourselves to the doctor and yada yada, they have a virus - we all are viral. But when we are leaving, he says "lemme look at the other two to make sure they are ok" and he checks Kelly's throat, and goes "um, she has strep throat." LOLOL, so let me recap:
I was fevered, chilled, tonsils as big as testicles in my throat, and a horribly painful spastic neck and back.
Rachel was achy and now is going out of her mind with this itchy rash all over her. She will have a long night ahead of her.
Kelly has strep throat.
Kristen is on the mend, but doesn't still isn't sleeping the best.
Brianne is COVERED in a rash, and a little cranky, but not really itchy.

All I have to say is what the fuck..... but it could be worse, so whatever.
So, I don't want to whine, but that's why I haven't been posting. Can't wait for the fucking weekend....
Anyway, I am going to run to watch BB, which I am sure will piss me off to no end. I am so mad at the show.


At 11:56 PM, Blogger Chunks said...

Do you all have West Nile Virus? Because that is the first thing I thought of!! Your poor family and poor you! What are blogs for if you can't have a pity party for yourself once in a while? Christ, it's mandatory over at mine.

Spit those testicles out of your throat! hahahahah! The Maybe the Moon book you recommended to me is being loved by me, but with all the shit going on, I haven't had time. I steal a chapter or two before bed and fall asleep with it in my hands. It is good though!! Possible Side Effects is in at the Library though, so I will pick that up as a reward for finishing this one. I might buy myself the whole Augusten collection for Christmas this year.

Well, feel better buckaroo! Did BB piss you off? What about Rockstar? Do you still love Dilana and Storm?!

At 6:12 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds you guys have had a shitty week. hope all of you are feeling better soon, sucks being sick.
I so want Dilana to win, and I gotta say I really am liking the guy who sang the Phil Collins song. .. and the Iceland guy..


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