Saturday, April 09, 2005

p.s. - i can't stop writing tonight - damn Tim Horton's

Oh, a big P.S. - My poor cat was left outside for 24 hours. When I went to Regina, Rach went to stay with her folks, because she hates staying alone, and she called me when I was on the highway and said "is Molly home" and I thought she was because I didn't see her get out and she is usually so lazy in the day, I didn't even think of it, and then I guess tonight my sister Libby, who conveniently lives across the street, called Rach at her folks and said Molly has been on the step since this morning. Yeah, I know, she's a cat, but damnit, the dog and cat were the first babies for us, so I was traumatized, because she's so small, and that psychotic cat lives across the street who fought this other cat in our yard one night and slammed against our door and left piles of fur.... anyway, it was trauma. LOL, I better go to bed and read my rat book and hug the cat...


At 7:08 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thankfully she didn't run off. I would have been in a panic if meat head would get out. I don't think he would have the sense to hang around the front door though.. god bless the animals.


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