Thursday, March 31, 2005

Harpo is Just Oprah Spelled Backwards - Freaky!

Well, I am sort of in a pissy mood tonight, but don't want to get into it. It's late again, 11:00, but finally have a moment to sit down. Keryn doesn't really want us to go to work now, that's her latest thing, so that is always hard to deal with, so I was all excited to see her after work and make her happy, but she was sleeping when we picked her up, and so was Kimmy, and they were so frigging grouchy when they woke up. We were going to take them out for supper, but Keryn was having a fit and just said screw it in the end. She was still a little off tonight too. Rachel's parents babysat for a bit while we ran out and then Keryn actually wanted to come home, and she went to bed. I dunno, maybe she doesn't want us to leave because she's used to me being home for like the past week. Man, it's so hard. Oh well, 6 months and Mama will be off.
So anyway, the whole unhappy kid thing has me in a bit of a funk, and since I listen to talk radio all day, the day was dominated by the Terri Lyn Schiavo thing. You know, I have completely changed my thinking and my opinion. What they have done to that poor woman was more than euthanasia - it was murder, a murder that was precipated by a cruel, inhumane, immoral, and irresponsibe period of unneccisary suffering. I do not care what they say about this whole murky issue of being "brain dead." You do not starve and dehydrate another living creature for 13 days, until they finally die. I am sorry, but you wouldn't do that to a fucking rat without sending off warning signs of "potential serial killer", but yet we can just do it to another human being? Also, this fucking "husband" of hers would not let her parents in the hour before she died? I do not care WHAT animosity or hatred exists between them - you do not deny a parent to be with their child. I am disgusted and the whole thing has put me in a bad mood. Let people die with dignity, and honor living wills - yes. Torture the helpless? - sinful.
Ok, off my soapbox. So I haven't seen Survivor yet, and have it taped. Taping Apprentice too, and still have last week's to watch. Although I saw who lost the Amazing Race, I have 4 hours to catch up on. I feel so out of control on my tv viewing. I have Extreme Makeover on right now, and I still think those veneers and the plastic surgery looks freaky.
Tomorrow is a staff meeting in the morning at work, and then a whole bunch of people will be off for the afternoon, because they are driving to Regina to volunteer at our pow wow. So, I am either going to leave early and go to Rachel's first doctor appointment with her, or I will maybe take Keryn to work with me after lunch. She always wants to go to my office, and she hasn't been for a year. I could just go buy her some coloring books and then have her sit there. I don't know, can't decide what to do.
Poor Rachel is starting to get into the nauseous stage of her pregnancy. Each one, it has hit at around 6 or 7 weeks, and she gets nauseated in the evenings lately. My poor sweetie.
Read a bit of KB tonight - she took a picture of her gut to show the gastric bypass thing or something, and she's standing there in her bra. LOL, if I start taking pictures of me in my gitch, shut me down.
You know, I really like the sound of Dido's voice. Just throwing that in there.
Do you think I am meant to adopt kids at some point? I keep getting this tug in my heart when I hear of kids who are unloved. My sister Libby works at an inner city school and her stories of her students make me tear up every time. They are so unwanted and unloved, and its no wonder they live on the streets eventually and end up in jail where Rachel will teach them. So anyway, those stories tug at me, and then I was reading People and they had this article about some orphanage somewhere in the states where a photographer came in and took photo shoots of these hard to place kids, and did a showing at a gallery, in hopes the kids will get adopted. Apparently, this worked well in Albuquerque, and it really does get you. I just pointed and said "I want that one, that one, and those twins." Then today, on the Miracle Channel (there is this show on the Miracle Channel I like) they had the wife of Steven Curtis Chapman (the Christian singer) and they had 3 boys and then somehow or other ended up in China or something and adopted a Chinese baby girl and then somehow, I didn't quite follow, ended up there again and now they have 3 Chinese girls. I have the urge, or the calling, to do this. Well, I should say, in my perfect world in my mind I do, but I am so poor - but let me tell the blog here that if we ever come into a substantial amount of money, I want to do something about helping out another child somewhere and giving it the love and the home it needs. Ah, pipe dreams.
Geez, the past few few blogs have been no real fun, have they? Ah well, it's my blog, so whatever. Deal with it. But yeah, the Miracle Channel is from Red Deer - that is interesting.
So I still haven't gotten my fucking peroxide from ebay. I hope there is no trouble at the border. I am almost out of the stuff from my dentist, and they are closed this week, so I can't even buy any more if I wanted. It's like trying to get heroin or something, this whole tooth bleach thing. I go through it like shit through a goose, and you are only supposed to do it for like 2 weeks, and then touch up as needed. Well, I do it for like weeks at a time because my teeth are so unbleachable, and I hate asking for more. So last week I bought 4 tubes and I have 1 left, which will last about 2 applications. Other dentist offices don't like to sell to those who aren't their patients. I went to one at xmas down by my house, and they sold me some because I told them my office was closed, but I can't pull that again. LOL, I need to scam me a good supplier until I get my shipment from the states.
Hey, I am so stupid - I saw this special on Oprah tonight, and just realized that Harpo is Oprah spelled backwards. Why am I telling you this? I don't know....
Well, I guess I should run and get ready for bed.
Yours til the bed spreads,


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At 10:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At 9:08 AM, Blogger Rox said...

Love your blog! Can't believe I didn't comment on the Terry Shiavo thing. I remember my mom and I getting into a heated arguement about it. Man, the time flies.


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