Monday, May 23, 2011

I got nothing. Really, I don't. I am sitting here, after a loooong hard day of work around the yard, and I am exhausted and I am capping the day with a warm gin and soda and a bag of Old Dutch Salt and Vinegar chips. So, if the gin doesn't give me a headache, the fucking chips will wake me with extreme thirst in a few hours. You see, being outside all day, I was so thirsty I literally microwaved my cup of coffee this evening and gulped it down. Then, when I realized what I was doing, I said "whoa, someone needs a Big Gulp." Well, I didn't get the BG, and this long-waited for gin and soda isn't cold enough or strong enough nor lime-ey enough, so that sucks. But you know, that's alright. I keep thinking of the funeral yesterday, and, as I always do, I think too much and I think in too much detail, and it just gets in the way, but in the end, I think I know I should be so lucky to be drinking warm gin and eating salty chips. So, what I think I want to say is that in spite of it all, life is good. True, I may bitch. Yes, there are many things that could be better. Life has been completely out of fucking control lately. Work has been hectic in many ways, in which I just feel like I am barely staying one step ahead of everything. And at home? We have been on the run for weeks. With 6 people in the house, and 4 of them 10 and under, it is up to the adults to make things happen. Thus, laundry has been our hellish thing. Last week, we had like 5 baskets of laundry to put away. I put them away one night. Tonight? I think the count was 8 baskets, not including the load on the clothes line or the load in the dryer, nor the load in the washer. We spent the day outside, weeding the lawn and cleaning off the drive way and cleaning the garage and buying hundreds of dollars of flowers and planting most of them, etc. So, tonight, we began the clothes unloading, and it sucks. And we've fallen behind in the kids' piano lessons, and I somehow have assumed the duties of being the assistant soccer coach for child #3, even though I remember nothing about soccer. Dog #2 always seems to have petrified shit stuck in his fur, and child #1 is overtired in premenstrual extremes. Haley got voted off AI to boot. And my lawn is completely covered in dandelions and I am deathly afraid my backyard is going to be taken over by Creeping Charlie.
But just so that all y'all don't think I'm some bitching arsehole, let me say this: I am thankful for everything. I won't take anything for granted. This post is so boring, I wouldn't normally even publish it, but I am sooo close to post 500, so I want to get to it. This post is merely a means to an end. Suck it up buttercup - sometimes you have to read Laura Ingalls before you get to the hot and dirty Jackie Collins stuff.
Anyway, glad the full moon is over, and glad I am here to bore all y'all.
Peace out.


At 8:10 AM, Blogger Rox said...

Hell's Bells! I love the division of labor in your house. I read an article yesterday about old-fashioned roles (mine) vs. new family roles (yours) so of course, I had a talk with Derwood about it. We made a little list of the things he does in our house and the things I've never seen him do. It was comical because he really thinks he does lots around here. And it worries me for the fights we'll have when I go back to work someday. LOL! I wouldn't have it any other way.

Do you guys do laundry every day? Maybe that's why you can't ever get on top of it, or feel like you always have laundry to do. I've always found if I set aside one day to do it all, it gets done. Speaking of's laundry day.

At 10:46 AM, Blogger Blondi Blathers said...

You do have a busy life, boychik, and it sounds like your late-night blogs are the only quiet time you give yourself, or can find. We'll take it!

As for grieving over lost moms, I'm thinking that may never end. It's coming up to six years for mine, and though I'm not locking myself into the bathroom to weep anymore, there are moments of deep longing and sorrow and there is even disbelief that it happened at all, and anger at the injustice of it. Methinks this is normal and may never pass.

I love your rambling about your life and its details, which is why your blog is one of my absolute favourites, of the hundreds out there. Your writing is real, and it is what it is, and it isn't trying to be something else.

At 7:30 PM, Blogger THIS IS ME....ONLINE said...

I understand about growing laundry. It never stops. There is an old, old, old movie called "The Thing". It has this foamy, thick, gross stuff that just grows and multiplies on it's own and takes over the world. That's how I see laundry. We must to continue to beat it back before it takes over. The "putting away" part of the laundry is a whole other story. You're own your own there, bud.


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