Saturday, June 10, 2006

bob greene, come and get my fat ass with the program

Well, just have to say that I really was going to start dieting again today, as I've gained at least 10 lbs from the looks of my big fat gut. I had the best intentions, but we took the kids for a swim this morning and didn't eat, so they wanted a bagel from Tim's on the way home, so I ended up getting one of those breakfast sandwiches which was so good it was almost orgasmic - I was ready to yell "fuck yeah!" (Sharon and I worked with this woman who coincidentally lived right above Sharon's apartment in University (they didn't really know each other then) and her and her now husband would have wild sex all night, and they are both really nerdy, and he would always yell "fuck yeah!" so that's our big saying).
So I ate that thing and then probably, I am not making this up, 20 Tim Bits. So it's not on today. But I had good intentions.
Anyway, going to finish watching some Facts of Life - it's the old ones with all those girls they got rid of after the first season - Molly Ringwald was so annoying in these. I am going to watch the one where they all buy bongs.
Happy fat Saturday,


At 7:27 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

todays a new day.... no timbits and you will be fine..
that was a short one. I was all excited to see a new post and was going to settle in with my coffee but i finished reading it b4 my coffee had brewed. But I guess those who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. I should get my ass over to my blog and post something..
Enjoy the facts of life... are you gonna burn them for me?? I loved the bong episode... lo

At 11:16 PM, Blogger Chunks said...

I was doing really well today, no junk, until my kid came home from DQ with a goddamn ice cream pizza. Well, fuck, I should have just rubbed it on my ass because it will be there tomorrow.

20 Timbits? I can do that in my sleep.

If you're burning, I would like The Facts of Life for Christmas please. (getting my gift request in early, to avoid disappointment!)

At 9:20 AM, Blogger Patricia said...

ok so i can be grateful not to have tim's in my area.

if ya see bob, send him my way, please.


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