Friday, April 02, 2010

random thoughts for Good Friday Eve...

It took me 147,000 tries to log onto blogspot tonight. I dunno what the problem is, but now I've forgotten what I wanted to say, and I have to get to bed. Let me just say it's been one of those horrid days. It would take me 3 hours to even type of the backstory, so nevermind, but it's sort of ruined my long weekend. Long story I'll fill in later. But it's family drama, and when there is nothing you can do to make things right for the people involved, it just sucks. Anyway, more on all of that some other time once I have time to digest all that occurred (just enough to drive you all crazy, isn't it?). But seriously, the backstory is long and I dunno what to think. Anyway.
In other news, Chunks posted about getting a text sent to the wrong number and the person asked her "who dat?" Of course, Chunks rightfully was disgusted at what the world has come to. Well, MY bugaboo of the week is popular music - specifically, all this dance shit sung by fake Jamaicans. You see, I was in "the city" yesterday for a meeting, and for the 70 mile drive, I didn't have any cds, so I just had to scan the 6 stations I could pick up. WELL. Fuck me Blanche Devereaux, they all played the same songs - In one hour on the way home, I heard that Lady Antebellum song I like 4 frigging times, and Ke$ha or whatever the fuck she is like 3 times, and then a whole fuck of a lot of that Sean Kingston/fake Jamaican bullshit, where it's these whiny dudes singing in some fake Jamaican voice, and the word "shawtee" is thrown around every 20 seconds, and it was enough to make me switch to CBC radio, even though it wasn't time for "As it Happens". Man, I hate that bullshit. It was awful.
So, I was reading Chunks' blog, and see that Lindsay Lohan is close to death because of the crack pipe or the booze or whatever it is she is into. I went to the TMZ to confirm, and yes, it appears she's close to Michael Jacksoning at any moment. Now, I only remember her from that movie with Jaime Lee Curtis, 13 going on Freaky Friday - LOL - I don't remember which one it was - but it's sad. We all love a redemption story, and I think that Britney is proof of this - Lord knows I spent the 13 dollars on Circus even though I have never listened to it - but hell, K-Fed needs Pop-Tarts, so I don't mind. I saw a commercial for old Windbag Winfrey, and she has Janet on sometime next week, and she looks like a bag of shite with that plastic surgery, and I am sure she won't speak above a whisper, and I'll want to hit her. Lord knows things are fucked up when La Toya is the normal one.
Chunks also lambasted those bitches Tiger and Bullock's hubby pumped, but you know, look at those two uglies - nobody would hump them unless they were rich, so it's their own fault, and really, they need to know that. Nothing like a buzz kill like "I'll do it with you, ugly, just for your money" to let you know that you are seriously fucked. if you are poor and can get crazy-ass shit like that, well, then I guess you have talent. But, if all you can get is fake boobed tramps when you are famous or married to someone famous - well, joke's on you, bugfucker.
Speaking of Jaime Lee, what's with the severe short hair and the obsession with regularity and Activia yogourt? I find that all so odd. And the short gray hair - is she trying to prove something? Mike Myers ain't gonna wanna murder any of that severe shit, I'll tell you what....
But I do love her children's book "Tell Me Again about the Night I was Born". It's really good. I actually really like her, but I can't see her promoting a product unless she believed in it, so that makes me think she's always bunged up. Too much cheese, i guess.
I am going to go to bed now, and read. What, I dunno, since the Hornsby book ended kind of stupidly, but I'll find something.
Over and out, good buddies.


At 8:09 AM, Anonymous Bea Arthur said...

The yogurt thing, I totally get! As a woman of a certain age, yogurt really helps a variety of maladies from being bunged up to fixing any not-so-fresh feelings. Seriously. When your wife is older, you'll totally have a case of it in your fridge.

"Jokes on you bugfucker" THAT NEEDS TO BE ON A T-SHIRT!

I want to hear about the family drama. You totally should have posted it, but I understand your reluctance. Email me. Or text me. But I swear, if you say "Who dat?" I'll pop a cap in your ass.

At 2:18 PM, Blogger Blondi Blathers said...

If you're an As It Happens listener you'll know by now that Barbara Budd has been given the boot! Yeah, because she's "not a journalist." Hmph. Sounds like they're revamping the show and gee, gotta put in someone younger, probably, as they try desperately to win higher ratings from the younger folk in the country.
Sad but true. Barbara is one witty gal; won't be easy to replace her.


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