Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Ok, just a quick poor poor pitiful me update from my shitty week in suckassville. Everything is all fucking screwed up right now. It begins on Monday, when I get this frantic call from my sister literally 2 minutes before I go into a meeting in Saskatoon, that my aunt, our closest aunt and the one who is my mom's only surviving family member, fell and broke her hip and they think she's got bone cancer. So of course hearing that is like hearing it's one of your parents, because she's that close to us. So I somehow just sort of absorb that so I can get on with my crazy day, and indeed I somehow process it, which makes me wonder if I am either in denial, or grown up finally, or just emotionally deadened. ANYWAY. She's in the hospital in Regina and I contemplate going there on Saturday but rule it out - long story.

Then, to add to the pity party, my sister tells me this morning my uncle (married to a different aunt, in Surrey) is getting surgery today for liver cancer - I somehow missed that diagnosis, but apparently it's the operable kind of liver cancer, not the one that spreads to everything right away and kills you - didn't know that kind existed, since I assumed all liver cancer just killed ya like a fly in a trap, but then my OTHER uncle had it and got half his liver chopped out and lived quite nicely until senility finally took hold.

So then, this afternoon I get a call from my former banker "Liza" who left me a message saying she wanted to talk about my dad because she was concerned. Let me back up that my dad, in the midst of losing his marbles, is fixated on bank statements and shit and i know he's always down a the bank bothering Liza. Anyway, Liza said my dad said she could call me, so in the playing of phone tag with Liza I call dad, who is all fucked up and some statement and 8000 dollars and I don't know what he's talking about, and he tells me him and my sister are going to the bank tomorrow morning. SO I call my sister who says she called Liza herself after seeing dad's statement and all these huge cheques he wrote and to find out who they are to and blah blah blah, so anyway, I don't know what is going on, but he's out like 8 grand in cheques to someone or something. Well, that just takes the fucking cake, so anyway, at least now we'll have my sister put on as a signer for his cheques but fuck, I could handle that if it was the only thing in isolation, but coupled with my aunt, the uncle, my mother who isn't coping well, a stressful day at work, the possible root canal tomorrow which almost has me literally gagging in fear right now, and the election tonight that saw the NDP lose and the crackpot conservatives win, well, it's enough to make me want to down a bottle of wine. But i can't because i can't be hung over for the dentist.
Anyway, that's my pity party. There IS some good stuff on the horizon which I'll post about next week because it's too long to type them and I am too crabby to do so, but anyway, it was nice to vent. I was supposed to start swimming lessons tonight with some friends, where you learn to do strokes and stuff, but i just said fuck it by the time i came home. maybe next week.
Anyway, cross your fingers for my appointment. I really feel dread and panic and such, no matter that I will have 2 ativan in me. Shite......


At 6:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

sorry that your week has been so sucky...
hope things turn around.
Good luck with the root canal.

Oh the washer/dryer are Fridgedair Affinity, no steam wash though.

At 9:54 PM, Blogger Rox said...

I feel like a lousy friend for not popping in sooner and reading all about your troubles.

I'm sorry the circle of life is trying to boot you in the nuts.

Who is your dad writing cheques to?!!!

My BIL was going on about the conservatives today and how they are going to be so good for Sask. Yikes.

I hope the dentist was okay. You're stronger than you know! I hope you blog tonight and let us know how it all went.

(I can't believe you didn't mention ANY of this in the I am ranting about crazy stuff and you're being all distracting and good. Now I feel so guilty!)

At 8:08 PM, Blogger Devo said...

Oh sounds like a major lot of poo in your life right now. yukk. I hope it all gets sorted with your dad and he's not been scammed by some deadbeat fuckhead. Sorry about your uncle and aunt. Cancer sucks man. You'll be fine at the dentist, just imagine them naked or something. Of course that might not be good if it's a she and you pop a woody... haha.


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