Thursday, May 26, 2005

Why Am I typing about the Brady Bunch at Midnight? because I am crazy, that's why.

No time to blog tonight - it's suddenly midnight and I have no clue where the night went. However, just one random thought: I was watching the Brady Bunch tonight when I put Keryn to bed (she's a chip off the old block, isn't she), and noticed that the entire family went to bed and left Alice sitting there to clean off the table and do the dishes. I'm sorry, but someone needs to break Mr. and Mrs. Brady's legs. How much are they paying her, anyway?? And making her wear that uniform? And he's a fucking architect but he crams 6 kids in two rooms, with one toilet? The whole thing doesn't add up. And while we are on it, I know that in real life, Alice is some born again woman, but still, doesn't she just scream lesbian? Margo and I have discussed this, and she says she's gotta be a sista, and who am I to argue with the gaydar of a sista about another sista? Also, you remember her rice commercials, and she'd suggest cooking it in orange juice? Everything she did was crazy, let me tell you....
Ok, enough of that craziness, gotta get to bed. Keryn had a tummyache and the runs tonight, so I dunno how the night will be.... and there is a frost warning here... supposed to be 30 next week (that's 86 to you Americans), but fuck... frost tonight? it's like almost June. The world is going crazy.....
Ok, gotta get to bed - btw, sorry for sending messages to comments on here, but Cutie, if you read this, you were really born in PA? SK?? Do tell.


At 6:43 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You must have been posting this while I was leaving a whiney comment on your last post about you not writing.. lol
Hope your flowers made it through the nite.
Oh by the way, send me caffeine vibes tonight, cause I have that all nite cancer walk today, and I was up till after midnight (had company) last nite so i am sure I will be tired. Too bad they won't have wireless internet there.I could give a blog play by play. Maybe I will flickr a few photos through the nite to my blog.

Ciao, Oh ya. Alice is definitely a sista.
No doubt.


At 10:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're typing about the Brady Bunch and I just finished Rocket Robin Hood! Carol Brady was lazy. Plain and simple, so were Marsha and the rest of that gang. In real life, they would all have a mile long list of chores! I always loved that fireplace though! But that orange kitchen, Zoinks!
I still feel like el crappo so it is an early night here. Hopefully your kids are all well and aren't up sick all night tonight.
You're doing the walk for life?? Cool!!

At 11:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok, JT, I read Good In Bed and I didn't find any Minnie Driver reference. Are you talking about when she said he was "small"???? Mini driver? Je ne sais pas!

I have started reading "In her shoes" anyone with a fucked up sister should be able to relate. Thankfully I have one and a spare!

At 11:21 PM, Blogger JT said...

Minnie Driver = Maxi Ryder!

At 6:25 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ok.. Now this is not funny. Where are you???

At 7:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok, its been almost a month since you blogged... Wassup?


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