Sunday, April 26, 2009

I can't remember if I posted about the potential money hog that we faced? With the water main? Well, long story short - we agonized over going to California, about not affording it, since Rachel is taking an extra 3 months off of work, but I think we sort of decided that regardless, we are doing it because it was such a shitty year, and that because if we went this year, Rachel isn't using her holidays next year to go (she's going back to work 60%, which means she get's 40% less holidays... or something... LOL, whatever. Also, we didn't want baby to be a terrible two when we went, and since kid #1 will be 8 in a few weeks, she's still innocent and full of wonder, but the wonder of Disney might not be the same in a year, where right now she'd be happy watching the little ones on kids rides and such. So, we book rooms and sort of decide. Then, long story, we have a water main leak. If it's on OUR side of our water main valve, we pay for digging it up and fixing it, including re-paving the driveway. The cost would be abuot 3000 dollars. After having to wait for a weekend, we find out it's on the city's side, and thus they pay FOR EVERYTHING. In fact, they repaired it already. Paving to come before fall. Whatever.
Then the Fleetwood Mac thing happens. I read the awesome set list. And resist. I'm fine with it for the moment. So yet ANOTHER thing standing in our way that works out. NOW, it's the fucking SWINE FLU. I am TERRIFIED. SERIOUSLY. Don't laugh. You see, diseases and epidemics are of a certain interest to me. I wrote my MA thesis on AIDS memoirs, and as such, did tons of research in disease and epidemic literature, including the flu outbreak of 1919. So yeah, I am an alarmist, but I also know on an intellectual level that this can be serious, and deadly, and we gotta be careful. So... it's taking off like wildfire right now. Do we throw ourselves into the fire and get closer to Mexico, closer to heavily populated areas? Am I being crazy? I don't know. It just seems like this trip is full of odd obstacles. It's freaking me out.
So yeah, that's my day. I'm gonna go check out the latest flu numbers, I'll talk to you tomorrow.
Seacrest Out (he sure is Zverg-ish, isn't he?_


At 9:52 AM, Blogger Rox said...

Go on the trip. Obstacles are just things you have to hop over.

At 4:22 PM, Blogger Devo said...

I don't like the whole swine flu thing. It makes me think that you grow a pig nose and snort until you fall over dead on your fat old side and your cloven hooves pointing to the sky. I would totally avoid. I am scared of that shit too.


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