Wednesday, April 11, 2007

blah blah and yadda

Short and sweet because I am tired - just saying that I am still alive. Really, I am. However, it's been just a bitch of a time the past week or so. Work has been really hectic, and then last week, we all got sick. I woke up at 4 a.m. last Wednesday morning after a long, disturbing, interrupted sleep, realizing that my problem was not sleeplessness and restless leg syndrome (no idea what that is, other than from the description from the old Q-Vel commercials in the 80s), but rather that I was nauseated and had that bubbly puke feeling in the back of my throat. As you know, I have my irrational fear of vomiting, and I've puked only once from non-alcohol related illness in the past 22 years, so I wasn't looking forward to it. So I jumped out of bed, grabbed a bowl, went back into the bedroom to put on a shirt because I was cold, sat on the couch and turned on 90210, and then wham, Kelly cries out "My tummy hurts!" so I run there, with bowl in hand, go to her top bunk, throw the bowl on her lap, and she pukes. And proceeds to puke until 1 in the afternoon. Needless to say, we didn't get much sleep. So I don't end up puking but get the runs, and I shit like a goose for the next week. Anyway, by noon that day, Rachel is puking, and can't move, and at midnight, Kristen starts puking, so it was a gong show. Good Friday was spent bleaching the house down. We even bought Pine Sol just to get a good cleaner smell in the air. And we washed every frigging blanket, sheet, and towel in the house, just to get it all clean and fresh feeling. But anyway, everyone recovered ok, but Brianne ended up with a cold, and now I have a cold I can't shake, and i look like shit and feel like shit and my shitting has finally stopped in the past day or two, but I am exhausted from not sleeping and not breathing. And my kids are so overtired. And I've gained a whole bunch of weight and that makes me feel terrible. So, I need to get it together again. And I will. This weekend. When the chocolate should finally be gone.

So that's where I have been. And I am so tired right now.
Anyway. That's about all the news that fits.
But the one thing I need to comment on - my dear friend Chunks is going through her move finally. And she's really being hit hard by the anxiety. Chunks, if you see this, email me and let me know how it's going. I can talk you down. I think you can only be talked down by someone who has been through it, the whole "I can't leave the house because I am going to vomit and my nerves are so bad each minute feels like an hour and I wish I could drug myself into oblivion" feeling. So let me talk you down.
And Margo, where have you been hiding? What's new?
Ok, gotta get my fat ass to bed.


At 11:51 PM, Blogger Chunks said...

I emailed you. But it's all good. I look back on the last few days and go "What was all the fuss about?" How retarded, eh?

Ahhhh the panickers. We should form a support group!

At 4:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey sounds like a shitty week.. no pun intended..
I have been here, all alone in blogland.

At 11:42 PM, Blogger Devo said...

Yes I was next door to Bountiful JT! The little hamlet of Creston is a bit notorious for being so close to the polygamists! My mom just snorts when it is mentioned, haha. We JUST got home and I got on here just to read my faves before bed. I missed everyone a heap. Good to be home! Now I can poo properly. I don't have a shy asshole but travelling just bungs me up big time. I know TMI!!!! Devo


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