Monday, February 19, 2007

Talbot, get out of the alcove right now - it's time for your oboe lessons!

For some odd reason, I cannot get the old Nicolette Larson song "Rhumba Girl" or whatever it's called out of my head tonight and, quite frankly, it's driving me batshit crazy. I don't particularly even like the song (although I hate to say that since Nicolette is dearly departed and I feel bad saying that about a dead woman's song). However, I love "Lotta Love", so it all evens out in the end. Anyway, just had to share that with you all in case, at some point during this post, I accidently type "I can't stop doin' the rhumba baby...." hells bells, I don't even know all the words, so why am I forced to sing it? Slap me Dorothy.
Well, let me share another annoyance with you. My darling wife, Rachel, queen of undisputed beauty, always buys these magazines called "Kid's Rooms" or something like that and it's ways to decorate your kids' rooms (I am spelling that out to you like y'all are a bunch of inbred hillbillies or something - my apologies). Well, none of these rooms could ever really be done, because the people who they profile live in lofts, or 4 story Victorian ramblers and the kids have their beds built into an alcove in the attic, or whatever. It's just nothing doable in a house built this century. But that's not my complaint. In the one article, there were these three kid rooms from this family, and above each girls' bed was a framed thingy that had their names in this cutesy writing. Well, I am looking and see one kid is named Josephine. Nothing really wrong with that - they probably had to name her after a great grandmother who gave them the money to purchase the 1789 Colonial so that they could indeed fulfill their dreams of being featured in a magazine. So yeah, Josephine was ok, I guess. But, as I was glancing at the next bed, I see this cutsey "Talbot" picture. So, I had to call darling Rachel over and said "Gee, I don't think I am seeing right - it looks like Talbot." To which my darling love replied "it does say Talbot" (that is so a sentence fragment, did anyone else notice - did anyone else notice the comma splice in this sentence as well? Oy). So, I just sat there and, well, mourned for that little girl who has to go around with the name Talbot. What the fuck? But it gets better. I turn the page. I see the next bed. And I see the next name - Greer. Josephine, Talbot, and Greer. Are you picturing kids dressed in reams of calico too? Those poor little things. Greer. I mean, the moment she flopped out of her mama's va-jay-jay, did they look at her poor defenseless little baby body and say "look at her - she's a Greer!" I mean, I don't know about you, but Greer seems to conjure up a stern woman in an office, wearing a man's suit (oh man, I hate that look) and drinking vokda neat, and who lives with her cat Chuckles. Poor little Greer. I can't even imagine what they were thinking when lil' Talbot popped out and they saw her for the first time: "My, this baby looks darling - let's name her a freaky name that sounds vaguely robotic." Fucking Josephine got off lucky. Sweet fuck almightly.....
Anyway, I had to share that with you all. Those poor little things.
Anyway, let's backtrack. Spent the last week sick with good old influenza - it happens every 5 years or so, and little by little, I may be starting to let go of my resistance to flu shots. Oh, well first, last Monday, I had a dentist appointment at 1:00, and so I made sure I took a good old Ativan to get me through. I made it through. Still rough around the edges, and I was beginning to get sick, but it was ok. So then, as they day progressed, I got more tired, and my tickle in my throat was getting worse, but I didn't put 2 and 2 together, even though we spent most of the Saturday before at the walk-in. Kelly woke up Saturday morning fevered and with a sore throat. So, she had this white patch in her throat, which it doesn't take a rocket scientist to realize it's an infection. So, Rachel takes her to the walk-in by our house and comes home empty handed. The stupid fucker didnt see the white thing in her throat, so I completely lost it and started ranting about the south Africans who come to practice here but don't give a shit and on and on and I was ready to throw her into the car and take her to another walk-in, but then I had to go swimming, so we didn't get her to the other walk-in until evening. And so we got our medicine and were vindicated with his immediate look and his "whoa, tonsilitis and ______" - something else I don't remember.
So where was I? Oh, I didn't make the connection that I was indeed getting sick. So, by the end of the day, I couldn't frigging move I was so tired. So, basically, to make a long story short, I was sick all week, and then Mrs. JT got sick. I went into work for 1/2 day on Thursday and when I came home she looked like something ate her and puked her up, and the acid from the stomach of the creature who ate her was eating away her eyes - she just looked horrible. THEN, Kristen got a little sick for a day, and Brianne has been out of sorts too. And I am still so tired I can't stand it. So that's where I have been.
Hey Devo, I hear Covenant Bible College is closing down in your town. It used to be here, right down the street from my house. I literally lived down the back alley from it and walked by it every day on the way to school. Anyway, just thought I'd share.
Well, I am so flipping tired, I better just get my fat ass to bed.
Stay away from that Trim Spa, people - that shit is murder.
Love and Other Indoor Things,


At 11:54 PM, Blogger Chunks said...

Brooke Shields' second baby is named Greer. Yep. It is. I thought Talbot and Greer sounded like a lawfirm name. You know, Talbot, Greer and Johnson - Attorneys at Law or something.

Hey, I should have some kids' room ideas, Lord knows I will need them! There are no alcoves in the PR fixer-upper though.

My SIL's mother, no relation to me, just got back from the Virgin Islands. She said she wanted to go to St. Croix and yet that was the only place their cruise ship didn't stop. I said "I've always wanted to go there because a long time ago on Another World, Rachel Corey got kidnapped and taken to St. Croix, at least that was the story she gave Mac Corey but it turned out she had a lover there, blah blah..." Then my SIL's Mom says "THAT'S WHY I WANTED TO GO!!!!" Well, it was a piss your pants moment indeed! Ahhh the influence of the Corey family knows no bounds! I thought I would share.

Hope you and yours are feeling better soon!

At 6:52 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

lol, I must have missed that season of AW.. I used to love that show.. Ah Good old Rachel Corey..

Hope you are feeling better my bestest friend..

At 9:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, how is it that you know more about the dinky town I live in than I do? I had no idea the Covenant College was closing down. It is right across from where Shea went to preschool last year and there was always this same guy outside smoking every time I went there and it just seemed odd to me that he was smoking so often and he was in that school?? Not that Christians can't smoke but you would think they would hide it a bit better or something. I guess it wasn't a Catholic school-BAHHAAHAA!! I had that damn flu thing 3 or 4 weeks ago and I am still trying to get rid of the throat issues from it-blech! Not fun. I used to be a big AW junkie as a kid and I remember that stuff Rox is talking about, too funny that. I have no idea what that song is you're talking about, off to Youtube I go!


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