Sunday, April 23, 2006

How much is that kitty in the window

To top off the day, after all the other ongoing bullshit going on that I just have no desire to post about (maybe someday, not now - enough said - well, wait, let me just say this: I am pretty sure that my father is in the early stages of alzhiemers, and this isn't going to be easy, especially given the fact that my mother can't handle anything, and she ain't handling this, but I don't want to get into it here, and if I ever talk about it, it will be when and if I want to, otherwise, don't go there, ok? ok.), this funny thing happened. I called Rachel when I was done work and she tells me that the kids all freaked out when I left, so she got them calmed down and told them she'd take them for ice cream. So, they get in the van, and pull out of the drive way, and she looks up in the neighbor's kitchen window and Molly, our sweet little pussy, is sitting IN THEIR KITCHEN WINDOW looking her in the eye and meowing. Since we watched the neighbors drive off somewhere today, she knows the cat is in there by herself and has no way to get out. Well, she starts thinking "what if she pees?" "what if they have meat thawing on the counter?" etc. So, since there was nothing she could do, she stepped on the gas and went out for the afternoon. So, I am wondering if the neighbors went out of town or what, so I run home and lo and behold, they are home and the cat is sitting on our front step meowing. So, we don't know if we play dumb with the neighbors or what. I have no idea why she loves them so much, but it's embarrassing. Then I talk to my sister from across the street and she tells me the cat came visiting there last week and spent the afternoon in her house. So, I ask, where else does she go? I don't think I want to know.
So yeah, it's been one of those days - lots on my mind, melancholy, resigned, with a little absurdity thrown in. Oh, I've turned to my old buddy food lately, with a vengeance. That's got to stop. I mean it, post your comments with "have you checked your weight today, or are you too scared, you pregnant looking motherfucker?" Because I mean it, remind me that I lose the weight for my kids and my wife, so it's important.
LOL, damn, I ain't much fun today, am I? At least I ain't smoking, because I'd love to spark up one of my old buddies, hold in the first drag, and then slowly exhale.... but I won't. Because as Chunks reminded me today, smoking kills and just think how mad you would be at yourself on your deathbed at 50 because you smoked, and you could be living and doing all that wanted to do otherwise if you hadn't put that smelly stick in your mouth and ruined your life.
LOLOLOL, man, I never thought I'd become one of those non smoking sanctimonious people, but well, I guess I have.
Anyway, that's my cat story. I am going to bed now before I eat these chips on the counter.


At 7:07 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Buck up little camper... everything will be aiiright...
Stay strong, don't smoke. Watch the fatty comfort food or I will drive east and smack the chip outta your fingers..

I was lmao when I read about your cat.. lol. I would have been plotting some huge B&E to get the cat out b4 the neighbors came home. It would have been somthing out of the brady bunch..
glad to hear she is home safe, you should be calling her the littlest hobo..


At 10:16 AM, Blogger Chunks said...

JT this funk that you are in is starting to worry me, although you are writing like a summbitch mofo all weekend, which is awesome!!

I don't want to put any pressure on you, but could you please tell me some kind of funny story about Margo and you and some Depeche Mode song you tried to convince her to listen to but she was into the Headpins or something so you drank a bottle of Peppermint Schnapps and sang Love is a Battlefield together on the top of a water tower? C'mon, it sounds like we could both use a fanciful tale of teenage angst to get us through this suck-ass weekend.

That is funny about your cat! Funny that everyone is letting her in and welcoming her into their homes. She must be charming!

At 12:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well Chunks, there are probably quite a few stories JT could share, He did push Depeche Mode on me as well as sigue sigue sputnick. Even made me a mixed tape, but we were drinking apricot brandy not, peppermint schnapps.




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