Monday, September 12, 2005

Monday Monday..

I thought I had better post before Margo (you little minx) posted and misrepresented my TV tastes again.
Ah, yet another weekend has passed.. The time sure flies on your days off doesn't it.. The weekend was busy busy as usual, life is never really quiet when you have 2 little ones at home.

Rachel and the kids and I went to Saskatoon on Saturday to take advantage of the back to school sales that are going on. We are going to have to get a second mortgage on the house if we keep going to Old Navy. Man its easy to spend in that store.
Oh and then we ended up at Costco. If anyone has figured out how to spend less than 200 bucks there let me know, cause I have never been able to spend less than that myself.. I did pick myself up this huge ass container,( I think it was like a 5 qt container) of Pickled jalipeno peppers.. Man I could sit down with a bowl of those in front of the TV and eat them like they were potato chips.. And they are good for you.. YOu really have to try them. Of course we had to fill up the van with TP, gotta love the Kirkland TP. double rolls last forever, and they are soft on your touche.

SUnday was spent pickling Beets from our garden.. there is nothing that compares to the fragrant smell that fills your house when you are pickling beets. One might almost call it a clean smell.. Mmm I love time of year..
If anyone wants the recipe let me know, I will post it on my blog. We make a mean pickled beet..

Well better get back to work. Still busy with work.

I promise to blog more regularily..

Keep reaching for the stars..



At 12:56 PM, Blogger cutie1964 said...

is it you?! is it really you?!?

At 5:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pickled Beets?? And jalepinos.. yuck.. are you pregnant along with your wife. with those kind of eating habits one would wonder.
So what did you buy at Old navy??


At 9:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I gotta get out and get my beets before Jack Frost has his way with them!!! What's your recipe? (Maybe it is better than mine?!) I'm going to freeze some too cuz nothin' tastes better in winter than beets fried with a little buttah!

I am so glad you're back, even though you didn't mention BB! Keep blogging! (How is Rachel doing anyway? Are y'all ready for that new bebe?)

At 8:29 AM, Blogger Ottawa Pocket Watches said...

Ja-La-Pen-O chips are my favourite. That and zesty mordant!

At 10:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh Roxanne... are you serious. you like Beets..?? I would have to gag them down with a glass of water or something.. One food I can't get past...


At 8:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes Margo, I'm a beet pig! I love them! Although I hate that they turn your poop weird colors...ahem, BEET COLORED! I always forget and then when I see all that color I think I have colorectal bleeding or something, till I remember!

Sorry for using your blog comments to talk about things that come out of my ass, JT!!


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