Thursday, July 07, 2005

Tonight's Blog now with a little added sanity!

Ok, pity party over for the moment. I am still all fucked up but not as bad as yesterday and Sharon and I are allright for the most part, so let's just leave it at that for today, because tomorrow could be all fucked up again and whatever, and so let's not dwell, because I am sure if I get all downerish tomorrow it will all come puking forth again on here like last night. But for the moment, I'm ok and don't want to talk about it. LOL, but man, imagining not seeing Sharon everyday is freaky, since we are two bitches in a pod as someone said - can I be a bitch though? Should we call man bitches "Mitches?" Anyway, enough of the boo hooing for tonight.
So anyhooo, I felt better after I vented last night on here and wanted to go straight to sleep, because I was so damn tired but still didn't get to bed until after midnight. So I crash and then at 1 o'clock, Keryn wakes up bawling because she peed. She wears a pull-up to bed, but it leaked, so I had to change her and the sheets and then jump into bed with her and try to get her to sleep and she tosses and turns and moans and doesn't settle and soon I realize it's 3 am and I am losing it because I HAD to go to work, and I feel so bad now because I was giving her shit over and over: "stop it!" "settle down!" "quit moving!" I really got mad at one point and then she started crying so then I felt like the biggest shit in the world, and a hideous father and with my whole weepy breakdown bullshit, that took the cake. So then Rach comes in and tells me to go sleep on the couch and she'll sleep with Keryn and then we all crawl into Keryn's bed and then Rachel leaves and goes back to our bed, and then Keryn cries and follows, and long story short, none of us slept. No idea why she didn't sleep. I kept saying "she's gonna puke, that's why she's up and restless" but I was wrong for once... LOL, oh if my wife heard me say that...
Anyhow, I am tired as a whatever (can't think of any snappy comment) in a whatever.
So the weather is finally nice here. It's been warm all week. FINALLY! This weekend, we are going to this fundraiser for a friend. The thing is called "Care for Claire", a friend of ours whose kidneys failed about 3 years ago, and then she got one of her brother's kidneys, which ended up fucking up on her too last year, so she's back on dialysis 3 times a week, and until this month, had to go to Saskatoon for it, so she's had it rough. Anyway, they are putting on a fundraiser for her and it's something else. I heard about it last weekend when it was front page of the paper, and then she was on the news, and there are commercials and everything. So they are having a dinner and auction for her, so that will be nice. Of course, if I get all emotional and fucked up, I'll probably blubber around or something. We go way back and used to be together all the time, drinking 6 nights a week. Good times... Anyway, Margo, when you read this, it will be fun - the old gang is all going - my old flame Veronica called Rachel last night to see if we were going and she is going, along with Brent (used his real name, AND Claire's - I'm so daring!), and the two Deans, and Pooch and her hubby and kid, so it will be fun to see the gang again.
Ok, total aside comment - is anyone else a stickler for detail, and when things don't add up or whatever, it ruins everything? Case in point: Tonight we watched Oprah when we came home, and it was about, I dunno, from what I could understand, Black men who are married and sleep with other Black married men, and then got AIDS. So anyway, it was called "on the down low" (which has made me sing TLC's "Creep" all fucking night since those words are in the chorus), and I was so lost, because I think this one arsehole was blabbing about how it's only Black men who are on the down low. White people, apparently, can't be on the down low. Anyway, it didn't make sense, but I thought whatever, since Oprah is so fucking lame lately. But then this white woman is on, and this doesn't add up and so it has bothered me. She says she got HIV from this dude back in 1985. So Oprah asks her how old she was when she got it, and she says "I was 50 when I was exposed, in 1985, 55 when I was diagnosed, and I am 68 now." So then I do the math and like, unless it's 2003 again and nobody told me, how does she get to be 68? She should be 70. So I didn't even care about what was said after because I was so preoccupied by the whole age thing not adding up.
And like the Brady Bunch house - the outside shows a big window, but there's no fucking window in the front. It's all lies! And what is all beyond the kitchen? The laundry room and Alice's room, but does she at least get her own shitter? And there's a fucking hallway under the stairs, so does it lead anywhere, or what? If so, can't they put the kids in there instead of cramming them into one room? It doesn't make sense, I tell you.
Ok, I also gotta comment about Roxy - she says she "figured out" Rachel/Rochelle's common name, but like, I dunno how, because this thing is hardly the frigging DiVinci Code... LOLLLLLL.
Well, I am going to try and catch up on my blog reading but I will post on tomorrow, well, tomorrow I guess!
xo Peeps!


At 7:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, I didn't know that Claires kidney rejected.. That is awful.. I wish I could come to the benefit. Can you say hi to the old gang for me?
oh by the way, the Down low thing is an old show thats probably why the age doesnt add up.


At 10:22 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, glad to see that you are back to your crazy blogging self!! I think men can be bitches, but Mitches works too.

Keryn probably couldn't sleep because she picked up on your stress and anxiety. Kids are like sponges, she probably doesn't know why you are stressed, just senses it, therefore gets stressed herself. (I picked that up from watching Nanny 911 last night!)

I hope the fundraiser goes well for your friend. We had an aunt that was on dialysis and had to travel to get it, and get this, she was in a wheelchair! It was such an ordeal for her. She ended up passing away a couple of years ago, she was only 44. (I think that is why I was so rattled about my stone...)

Ah, I'm no detective. It's all in the filenames, baby!!

Speaking of babies, how is yours? How is Rachel doing with the pregnancy? (God I could be a little more wrapped up eh?)

At 2:43 PM, Blogger JT said...

Yeah, it didn't reject, but she has or had an autoimmune disease, some virus or something, that shut down her real kidneys and then she got virus or still had it or something or other and that's why this new kidney shut down. I keep thinking she shouldn't have gone back to work because she works at the casino and that place is a germ packed place. She told me stories of everyone who was sick there with horrible things, and i am sure it's because it's so germy there. Anyway, I'll say hi to the gang. Are you "out" if anyone asks about your love status, or are you on the down low? Claire knows but i dunno about anyone else.


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