Thursday, June 23, 2005

I ate Radish today and other random warblings

So it has taken me this frigging long to watch this week's Canadian Idol, and I still am not through the entire episode. On what I have seen thus far though - hideous people this week. Last week they were all so good, and this week - well, it's laugh until you vomit time. The Saskatoon dude which the judges were all creaming their jeans over was just hideous. I wanted to slap him (not punch, just slap - he looks slappable, if that makes any sense). And so damn full of himself. I prefered the French chick, but they almost made her cry. And really, Sass Jordan - why is she so critical?? She ain't no Ella Fitzgerald - Hell, she ain't no Rita Coolidge. Hell, she's barely better than Alicia Bridges or whatever her name was - the chick who looked like Susan Powter and sang "I Like the Nightlife". Hey, speaking of Susan Powter, where is she? Man, she was annoying. I remember her wheeling out this huge tub of baked potatoes and saying you could eat 37 baked potatoes or something for all the fat in a bag of chips or something, and I mean, if I wanted to eat 37 baked potatoes, I'd eat 37 baked potatoes, but I just want the frigging chips, so put a sock in it, creepshow. Ah, but she was refreshing. Well, no, she wasn't - I am just trying to stop being mean.
But I gotta say this about Idol - as much as I was so inherently against the Mulroney government when they were in power, and as much as you just don't want to like him, Ben Mulroney is an excellent host, and is so freakin' NICE to the contestants and will say something nice to them no matter what. Seacrest could learn something there. So yes, I like Ben Mulroney. Now let's never speak of this unpleasantness again.
Roxanne wanted me to comment on panic attacks, but I am too tired, so I will save that for this weekend. As horrible as they were (and are, although it rarely happens now, knock wood), I got some funny stories, but I am just too tired tonight, so remind me to post about them this weekend. I will say that when Margo and I both actually blurted out that we had them, it was like so hilarious because then it all just came spilling out: "I can't ride the bus now" - "Oh yeah, I can't go to a movie" - lol, oh nevermind, I'll explain it later.
I was going to post the picture we got from the ultrasound, but alas, my fucking printer/scanner isn't working - it keeps saying it isn't recognizing something or something like that. i dunno, I'll have to find the software for the damn thing. Baby looks like me though.. LOL. Oh man, we will have 3 kids soon... I can't believe it.
ANyway, TGIF tomorrow like you wouldn't believe. Oh, just tried to post to Rosie, and the fucking thing is closed again after 59 posts. WTF... hmmmmph, I guess I won't comment on the Divine/blow Up doll picture after all! By the way, I gotta say this: i thought she was hot in Exit to Eden... LOL, thank God she's never come here, but damn, baby had it goin' on!
p.s. - one more dumb thing I said today - I ate a radish out of our garden and told Rachel after, out of the blue "I ate a radish today." She paused, said "oh yeah" and went about her business. Then a few mins. later I said "well, they came up fast" and she was all "oh, didn't know what the hell you were talking about - I didn't really care if you had a radish today." LOL, we are such a cute couple, ain't we?
Anyway, gotta get to bed I guess. Just finished Rereading Running with Scissors. i need something good to read, damnit.


At 11:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

" put a sock in it, creepshow"

I spit all over my screen! Thank you!

Ahhh, if we could just bottle you up and sell you to everyone who could use a good laugh!

I got in just under the wire with her blog tonight, usually I am #874 or some damn thing!

At 4:51 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

cynthia says: That Pouter woman ended up here in Seattle.Her head pokes up every once in awhile. I can't remember what the last NP article was about. Her hair is still short. Ro showed a VIVI movie tonifht and it had 241 posts. I think it took over the bolgg. Is you baby a boy? I hope so but then I figue you as a great girl Dad. I love your blog. CC

At 6:26 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes you will have to post about the panic attacks, I will if you do.

Are you friggin serious that you like Ben Mulroney..?? You can't be.. You must be joking.
He is the worst announcer ever.. Ever.. I am embarrassed when he does red carpet stuff down in the states cause he comes across as stumblin idiot.. Please tell me your joking..


At 2:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey . Just for the record I comment on 90% of your blogs.

take that Jack.



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