Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Pretty Boring Post, if I do say so myself, Sorry.

Well, it's 11 o'clock and I am finally getting to sit down. So I am watching some show about how they make Real Lemon and drinking a cup of decaf. Yup, good times. Now they are talking about how they get the Real Lemon and Real Lime into the little plastic lemons and limes. I guess I've never actually sat down and thought about how they made Real Lemon before. These factory dudes are all excited about Real Lemon. They are rambling on and on about it. Interesting.
So tonight we had my whole family over to celebrate my mother's 70th birthday. It's been a really hectic week, and Rachel is getting one hell of a cold (I told her to quick kissing me last week when I was sick, but you know how irresistable I am - lol, good one, hey?), but the forecast was nice, so we thought we would BBQ hamburgers and everyone would bring a salad and we would just hang out on the deck. Well, it starts raining at noon, so we had to run home and clean up because everyone would be in the house, and blah blah blah. But it was fun. I am sure Rachel was bored out of her tree again, because as she says, we always talk about the same things and tell the same stories. We were talking about how I used to bowl at the old bowling alley in Chilliwack, and then the whole conversation started as to where the old bowling alley was and my nephew blurted out "Oh, here we go. All the talk with you people always goes directional - 'where was this? How did you ge there'? WHO THE HELL CARES?" LOL, but it's true. By the way, if anyone wants to know where the old bowling alley was located in Chilliwack, B.C., I sure as hell can tell you the way there in great detail!
Anyway, as soon as everyone left, the rain stopped and the sun came out. Go figure. I also broke the diet tonight - I ate a burger, tried every salad people brought, and had a huge piece of cake and ice cream - but fuck it, I deserve a little pig out every once in a while. Down 24 lbs as of yesterday, but I won't be suprised if 1 or 2 lbs are back, because of the big meal, no activity, and I didn't do the fucking water today - just wasn't in the mood to piss all fucking day at work.
Hey, anyone else loving the new Coldplay????
Rereading Running with Scissors - I gotta meet Augusten someday. Everyone, please read Augusten. Even SOH's mother in law is reading Augusten and Sedaris, for shit sake. You can too.
Hey, when the hell will Facts of Life and One Day at a Time be on DVD? I need a retro fix ASAP.
OK, Poll time - I work with this woman, who is a nurse, and she is a year younger than me. Well, long story short, it came out one day that she doesn't like french kissing. It grosses her out so very badly, so we always bug her. She says how gross the mouth is and how germy it is, but I mean, who gives a rat's ass - so, your thoughts - french kissing - gross or necessary?
Anyway, this is boring tonight, so I better put y'all out of your misery.
So, I'll talk at ya tomorrow - Rachel has her ultrasound tomorrow, so we will get to see our baby for the first time! Can't wait!


At 12:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I lived in Sardis for a couple of months when I was 12 (when we first moved to the "West") All I remember is this blonde guy who was a jock, talking about Mesopotamia. And two friends I had made named April and Lurline. No shit, it was bizarre. I don't think I made it into Chilliwack, I didn't even know there was a bowling alley! haha!

Don't beat yourself up over the pig out, you need to have allowances sometimes, otherwise you end up right back at square one.

My oldest friend loves Coldplay. (I don't mean the 80 year old I hang with on Thursday, I mean my friend, um, "Daphne" from when I was 12) She is going to see them in Seattle in August. I enjoy them.

I am reading "Me Talk Pretty One Day" by David Sedaris. Well, I still like Augie better, although Sedaris is pretty spiffy. Augie is just a little more OUT THERE I think.

French kissing is okay, but if hubby really wants to turn me on, he can do the damn dishes and get the same result....

At 6:30 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let us know how the ultra sound goes. post the pic if you can. Are you going to find out the sex?

Lurline??? lol you have got to be kidding me.. that sounds like the title of some old country song lol

French kissing is good. But it depends if the person you are kissing knows what they are doing.. there is nothin more unsexy than someone who kisses like a bassett hound all slobbery and stuff. Women are way better kissers than men by the way.. lol


At 7:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I saw your message on Rosie's blog about trouble with your 4 year old's curly hair and you were looking for suggestions. I don't know if you use the 2 in 1 kid's shampoos expecting them to condition her hair properly. I found that it didn't work for my kid's hair so I started using a very mild conditioner on their hair (like Dove or Ivory). That should help. Also, try this - when you put the conditioner in take a comb or pick (which is great for curly hair) and detangle her hair while its wet with the conditioner. Then rinse and just pat or scrunch dry her hair - do not rub it. Then every morning use a detangling kids hair spray and use the pick on her hair instead of a comb or brush. Hope this helps.

At 8:42 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was going to post about the curly hair but Debra beat me to it and said what I would've. :o)
I've got curly hair as well. I wash it once a week, condition, comb with a wide tooth comb while wet and I don't comb it until it's wet again. Brushes ruffle the curls and make OW!!ies.

At 11:54 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Read your hair washing woes on Rosie's blog...have you tried Johnson's new "Buddies' line? They have a conditioner (looks like a tube of hand cream) that works daughter's hair is a tangled mess too but after using that I barely even need to comb it...good luck!


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