Friday, April 25, 2008

My Thank You Note to Oprah Winfrey

Thank you so much, Oprah, for the wonderful Earth Day show the other day. You know, I just wouldn't have taken Global Warming and such seriously if it hadn't been for the expert opinions of your very special Earth Day guests, the distinguished Dr. Julia Roberts and Dr. Sandra Bullock. I missed what disciplines their PH.Ds are in, but of course they must be in the Earth Sciences. Haha, it's not like you ran out and found some windbag celebs with a grade 10 and a fleet of Hummers to speak about the Earth on Earth Day. HAHAHA, that would be complete lunacy! I mean, if you did that, I'd be expecting guests like Paula Abdul to speak about sobriety, John Travolta and Tom Cruise on how to please a woman in bed, and Priscilla Presley and Joan Van Ark and Robin McGraw on letting your natural beauty shine through.
So thanks again, Oprah - it really did wonders for the cause!
JT, who could still outeat you in a pie-eating contest anyday.


At 8:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for giving me a spit take so early in the morning!

Goddamn Oprah strikes again! LOLOLOL@


At 4:06 PM, Blogger Devo said...

You funny. I fell off the planet a while back and I'm still climbing back on. SOOOO sad I missed that fucking special from Opie. bwahah.


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