Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Yeah I'm Bitchy - thanks for asking, nosy

Short, point-form crankiness, because at this time of the evening, I am very cranky:
-- first off, I don't know who was drunker on Idol tonight - Paula or Bette Midler. Ole Bette has had so much work, and it's only made her uglier than a rubber boot. It was like Terri Garr (who isn't ugly) decided to imitate Midler and went out on stage. And she sounded so horrible I laughed so hard. See if youtube has her singing - it was seriously hideous and I am sure she was 3 sheets to the wind, wherever the fuck that saying originated, I do not know. And yes, I am well aware that the last sentence has a glaring comma splice at the end, but I don't care. So go fuck yourself, grammar police.

-- I'm really pissy at the moment because i just heard that my daughter's school is losing their Vice Principal. She's been there one year, and she's wonderful. But this stupid fucking school division has donkey balls for brains and so they always know how to fuck up a good thing. So, Saskatchewan Rivers School Division, you are completely retarded. Up yours, all you arrogant assholes in the brick building, who have no idea of what is going on in the schools and what people want. And all of your staff hate you all, I hope you know. Morale sucks, from the dozens of people I know who work for you. So you did it once again, you out of touch pissers.

-- Anyway, I found this out about an hour ago, and I am pissy, and it just adds to the other things that annoy me today. Her replacement is someone I don't know, but who other teachers told me was "hideous". Oh well, enough - I'll talk about it later.

-- The other thing that is literally socking me in the gut is the latest news story. On Monday, someone gave birth in the bathroom of our Walmart, and left the baby in there. So that sparked the whole debate of "poor mother" or "bitch should be in jail." I am always on the fence for that shit, but then today, they said she left the baby in the TOILET, and someone went in the bathroom, told the manager there was a mess to clean up, and he went in there, found the kid in the toilet with bubbles coming out of his poor mouth, in the fucking TOILET, and he did CPR and saved the kid. He's in Saskatoon in the hospital in serious condition and I keep thinking of this poor kid left in a toilet to die. A dirty, shitty, pissy, stinky Walmart toilet. I seriously want to fucking weep. So the mother won't come forward so tomorrow they are releasing the security video of her in hopes someone identifies her. I don't care how traumatized you are, you put the baby on the floor after you clear his mouth and then you go. But leave him in a toilet? Well, I don't care what your circumstances are, I'd love to shove her head in a dirty-ass Walmart toilet after some gross street person just shot up in there and then got the runs, and let her know what it feels like. I keep thinking of the births of our kids, and what a joyous occasion each one was, and that tearful moment when you first hold them and see how beautiful they are, and how blessed you feel to be honoured with that life in your arms, and how you realize you aren't worthy of them, and then I compare that with being pushed out in a Walmart toilet and left to drown in someone else's shit. I don't care if she was a scared 13 year old. You just don't do that. So I'm upset. This is a small town. I live not far from Walmart. And then I think of what if my kids walked into that, those two who always need to pee in a store because of the novelty - can you imagine them walking into a bloody stall and seeing a dying baby in the toilet? Oh, I need to just shut up.

-- What else is sticking in my craw? Well, I am reading the most depressing, horrific book - It's about online preditors, and it's absolutely horrible, all about the child porn world and it just disgusts me and scares me, and the fact that people hurt children is playing with my nerves. So then today, I hear on the news that Peter WHitmore, the molester who kidnapped that kid in southern Sask. last summer and molested him and another boy, you will remember this as it was Saskatchewan's first Amber alert - anyway, he tried to kill himself in jail and cut off his penis this weekend or something. Well, let him cut it off. I say let him do it and then shove it up his pathetic ass along with Heather Mills' wooden leg, and let it fester until he gets septicemia and croaks. Yes, this so isn't my usual light and love and forgiveness nature, but the sadness of the world is with me tonight.

And then my dearest friend lets me know her poor pooch is ill and may not be long for the world, and it saddens me too. As Jon Bon Jovi wrote for my dearest Stevie Nicks, Sometimes it's a bitch.... hugs to you, kiddo. Been there. Nothing you can say, but know that I know the pain. Love him lots in the time you got, and know he's had a good, long life, and know that you've been the best parent he ever could have had.

Well, aren't I Mary Sunshine tonight? But I needed to vent. I was indeed not a horrible day. Work was insane, but then we went to our friends... I can't remember what I called them on here... Sebastian and Lisa or something... anyway, we went there for supper and had a nice visit. So the day was ok. But the world sometimes gets in your way.
Have a good Thursday peeps. I promise to be back to my usual sunshine, lollipops, and rainbows next time.
But until then, up yours school division, Walmart "mother", Peter Whitmore, the people who raised gas to 120.9 cents a liter, and to the radio programmer who keeps insisting on clogging my airways with Roy Oribison. And if Bette Midler can be famous for that bullshit tonight, why the fuck aren't I eating dinner with Rosie O'donnell tomorrow night because of MY as-yet undiscovered talent? Oh well, after all of that tonight, I am glad Geraldo wrote in his book that she gave him a blow-job in a canoe or whatever. Because God knows she couldn't do it now, with that tight face lift.
Oh that was mean. But sometimes you just have to be.
Tomorrow's another day. Thank God for his forgiveness of my crankiness and snottiness.
OH - and on the news they just said that if Brad Wall gets elected, he's gonna explore nuclear energy for Sask. I might as well shave my head now and pull my teeth out and start smoking 5 packs a day in preparation for Chernobyl, Saskatchewan style. Watch out Alberta, it'll end up in the water you are stealing from us.

And with that, I bid you a cranky good night.
LOL, I am not even going to reread this because my bitchiness will make me bitchier.


At 8:07 AM, Blogger Chunks said...

You are like my brother from another big dopelganger you!

The toilet baby thing, well, that is awful! I want the baby. Is that co-dependent? I always want to take in kids who've never known love but then reality sets in that this kid is probably FAS and will give me a run for my money. There was a reason god gave me such wonderful children...he knows I can't handle anything more. Quite stunning actually you will have to let us know how it turns out.

In my kids' school, I went through four Principals and four Vice-Principals. It sucks every time but you get used to it. It's sad when the good ones go.

I'm sad about Margo's Meathead/Amadeus/Dewey dog. Poor thing! We should cook her up a special something something. Or as they say down in Witchita, sumpin' sumpin'. I don't know where that came from.

Cheer up bud. Ya can't be bitchy forever, I know because I've tried. Inevitably something will make you smile and all will be right in the world again.

At 8:17 AM, Blogger Devo said...

Wow, I feel it. Some days it's hard not to see the world as a rotten, festering piece of shit. And God knows there's a lot of material to work with. It takes a lot of energy to be bitchy though, as Chunks said. You'll get tired and be forced to return to your normal less bitchy self-haha. BTW, you suck with your this is my wife picture, my damn jaw was on the floor you ass! haha.

At 8:59 AM, Blogger Devo said...

Hey JT,

You can send me links or whatever at

At 4:53 PM, Blogger KB said...

Someone left a baby in the toilet!! OMG I want to hurt them in the worst possible way. How would you like to go thru your life knowing you were left in a toilet.


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