Sunday, July 24, 2005

I ain't no hollerback boy either, gwen baby

Ok, I'm here! Just a little blurb tonight - it was the week from hell last week, and some things are better left unsaid, so I am just going to suck it up and get over it, so no endless posting about the whole thing. Well, it wasn't THAT bad, but it wasn't the greatest, and nothing too interesting, so whatever. Started the new job, which is always stressful, and it's still stressful in that I am not exactly sure of some things, or what I mean is, how to get a few things done, and yada yada, but I'm getting there. I seriously am the only one - there's me, my admin assistant who is on holidays for another month, and that's it - everyone else is in Saskatoon, and while they are a phone call away, I don't know really any of them except one, so that's sorta problematic, but it will all be fine. It's just feels weird to be in that spot again where you don't know everything - I was so comfortable in my old job knowing what to do and who to call and whatever, and now I feel like I am slightly retarded. But it will be good, and it's getting better all the time. The old job, well, that was the fly in the ointment as they say, last week. Huge misunderstandings and all this wacky shit, so that stressed me out to the fucking max, but it's all good now, so enough said.
Anyway, went to the lake this weekend, and whenever we go to the lake, it's like I have a tapeworm. All I do is eat. This weekend was no exception. I was on a losing streak all week, probably from stress, and I hit 34 lbs, but with all the eating I did all weekend, I really think I gained 3 or 4 lbs, so that fucked everything up, but tomorrow's another day.
Went to 7-11 tonight to get one of those crystal light slurpees (and it's doing a number on me already) and the girl who helped me was named, get this, DELMA. She's late teens, MAYBE 20-ish, and her name is DELMA. Who names their kid Delma in this day and age? Why not Ethel while they were at it? Anyway, I've been puzzling about that all evening.
Anyway, I am sorry for the crappy post, but I just HAD to get something down. I probably won't get to post again until Tuesday. Well, maybe tomorrow, we'll see. it will slow down soon. But anyway, I haven't read a blog OR my email for a week, so I gotta check in and see and try to catch up and everyone.
Have a great day everyone - by the way, if you are reading this and your name is Delma, well... I'm sorry.


At 5:26 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

cynthia says: whew! there you are, i was concerned about you. remember, change(risk) address is kutgw cc

At 9:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear that your week has been so hectic, I figured it would be with the new job and all. I know it will all work out for patient!

How exactly ARE you losing all this weight? I want to help my hubby lose about 30 pounds so that when we cuddle on the couch, his belly doesn't give me a sore back from having to ARCH around it!! I need some help. (In more ways than one, sadly!) Good for you though, and take it easy on those Crystal Light slurpees! Don't want to be turning yourself inside out or nothing.

Delma. That is just wrong. I think people are just making up frigging names anymore, just to be different. Delma. Hm. That is bad.

At 5:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your site JT, I found to be interesting. When I was searching for Baby Name Odd yours was the most eye catching. While working on my site Baby Name Odd I have been looking for ways to make it better and found yours to be helpful. Thanks!


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