Friday, July 08, 2005

blah blah blah

Yes, I am feeling more stable today. And even though I am so far from having all my work done, I am thinking I am going to take the next week off because I start the new job the following week and I need some damn holidays. So I haven't packed a fucking thing in my office either, but whatever. I am technically on holidays for the next month and then I can come in and pack it up. I also put in a request for a leave of absence, but I am doubtful it will be granted, because I really have no good reason other than "this place is sorta going to hell, so I just want to work somewhere else until y'all get it together again" and I mean, hell, I'd be pissy too if someone did that. But anyway, whatever, I've got a month to make sure I like this new job. I also somehow have kept this a secret from most of my coworkers because the ones who know freaked out. I am so weird sometimes, you know. Well, yes, you know, I suppose you figured it out by now.
Fuck, I don't know what in the hell is wrong with my kids this week. They aren't sleeping worth shit and as a result are crabbby in the day. Maybe it's the heat or something. Yes, heat - it's finally acting like summer. It's been nice all week, so who knows, maybe I can get a tan after all.
Ok, so as a result of the kids having hideously late nights, we haven't gotten through Big Brother yet. Yes, we are Big Brother freaks. Never miss it. Anyway, we only saw maybe 15 minutes so far, and already I am grouchy. As usual, it's all young good looking people, and I mean, get some fucking fatties and uglies and old buggers in there. It really bothers me with the people they pick. Oh, and this one chick, who wasa really hot by the way, is introducing herself, and she says she's 33 and they all gasp and say she's a young looking 33, and I mean, forgive my swearing yet again (I know my swearing on here offends) but I wanted to tell them to shut the fuck up. I dunno, maybe I am sensitive since I'm 35 but I still feel like I am 19, so these pukes just annoyed me.
Hey, is anyone else reading this a Peter Gabriel or Genesis fan? They are two of my favorites that I never talk about.
Argh, my stupid cat killed a bird today and left remnants all over my yard. If she killed the bird who lives in my birdhouse, I swear, I'll kick her in the ass. You have any idea how gross it is to pick up feathers and bird feet and shit and try to hide it from your kids? It ain't easy.
Oh man, I cheated on my diet really bad tonight. Ordered Chinese food. Enough said. You see, I am a fanatic for Chinese food, and so I ate so much I still feel sore. Then we took the kids for ice cream and even though I was so full, I still got a big frozen yogourt. I have lost 32 lbs thus far, and I WAS on a losing streak, but I bet I nipped that in the bud tonight. Ah well, ya gotta still live I guess. I wanna buy a new bike and then I can ride to work, since my office will only be a hop, skip, and a jump from here.
I need something to read. Something good. Something funny. Recommend something, peeps!
I was desparate the other night I read my Consumer Reports cover to cover. If anyone wants to buy a new toilet, I could probably recommend which ones got the best ratings.... I am so pathetic....
Ok, I am pooped out, so I gotta get my flat ass to bed (yes, flat - I sadly have no ass - it's like a board. I wish I could get implants). Hey, can you imagine me on Exteme Makeover? "He got crowns, lipo, a face lift, and two cheeks filled with saline. Then I could prance around in a speedo at the big reveal, with a bubble butt and fake teeth... good times....
hey Heather, you are a hygenist - what is the strongest percentage of tooth bleach your office sells?
Ok, have a great Saturday, y'all y'all y'all.... I'll report tomorrow night about the fundraiser, if I am not drunk or anything. We aren't staying long, but if I have to see the old gang, I might need to suck back a bunch of booze to cope.


At 3:22 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cynthia in Seattle says: I read your blod every night but don't always feel like commenting. I did comment once about SUSAN POWTER living un Seattle.Guess what she is doing? Teaching Yoga on RO'S cruise. Don't you have to be quiet when doing yoga?I am glad that you have the courage to make major changes. That tells me you got balls. Good for your family also. I just want you to know that I think you are a very wonderful Daddy. The best. Your wife is a lucky lady.I also wantyou to know thay your sense of humor is alot like mine and your language does not bother me.I am a 66 yo Retired Surgical Nurseand you keep me in stitches so to speak. LOL Talk to you later.

At 8:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad your feeling better, Sounds like a good idea that you are taking holidays next week. Give you time to mentally prepare.
Congrats on the 35lbs.. I am so jealous. After seeing the couple pics of myself from my holiday, I am ready to start a crash diet.. :(


At 2:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thirty two pounds?!!! Hola JT, you are gonna have to post before and after pics!

I finally was able to find KB's blog (after my interest was peaked from all the KB posts!) Cool little group of bloggers!

I only watched the first season of Big Brother but I am going to try to watch this season so Murphy and I have something to talk about other than how retarded the people who get in our way are. That damn show is on three nights a week? How am I gonna be able to keep that in my head?!

Is it Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday?! Help! I don't want to miss it!

At 11:23 PM, Blogger cutie1964 said...

Afraid I'm not a highly reimbursed hygienist - only a lowly assistant - well, a glorified janitor really! I love my job, I love my job! We have 10, 16 & 22% - are you bleaching?

32lbs!!! You've passed me! I've been maintaining at 30lbs for far too long - time to get busy on that additional 15 I want to lose before Jann's concert! You've inspired me!



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