Sunday, February 12, 2012

I Get So Emotional

I keep listening to "I Look to You"

and getting weepy - I can't listen to this song without thinking of my parents and my aunt, and tonight? I just realized what a fucking traumatic 3 years it's been. No matter how much I put on the brave face and carry on, it's been challenging. And since I always thought protectively of Whitney, because I thought myself as a hardcore fan when I first heard her, a few months before she became huge, I am maybe taking this harder than I should. But anyway, I am almost creeped out that this was her last statement, you know? It's prophetic.
Anyway, I just wonder why life has to be so hard? Its unsettling when someone who "has it all": fame, fortune, beauty, a golden voice - can just feel so alone and lost just like everyone else.
Sigh..... onward and upward. Nobody has it easy. Its what you do with what you got.
Soapbox out.


At 9:00 AM, Blogger Rox said...

Um, dude, we're fucked up over this. I literally went into Southern Black Baptist Church mode when I read about Whitney. You know how much I love a junkie gets clean story, so I had huge hopes for her. Like Tony Bennett says "She sinned against her talent" and let herself be consumed by life.

The last few years HAVE been hard. It's when you allow yourself to feel your feelings that you realize you can carry on.

Since I Look To You is my favorite Whitney song, I'm not going to watch the video. God, I watched the Super Bowl vid of her singing the anthem last night and bawled. Over the fucking Star Spangled Banner!

I hope she doesn't get our moms hooked on the crack when she gets up past the pearly gates!

At 11:03 PM, Blogger huzaifa said...

I hear you out :D.

I am obliged to invite you to join my Blog please :)

At 5:13 AM, Anonymous RealExams said...

your blog was very nice znd thanks for sharing.

At 10:20 PM, Anonymous james said...

C'mon JT, don't peter out on me now. I just finished reading all of your posts from the beginning and am hooked, and now you seem to be fading. Pull yourself together man! MORE JT! MORE JT!

At 11:06 PM, Blogger JT said...

Oh James, you are really Rox under a fake name, aren't you?

At 11:06 PM, Blogger JT said...

Oh James, you are really Rox under a fake name, aren't you?

At 6:09 AM, Blogger james said...

Sorry JT, not Rox this time, just a former lurker that came out of hiding. Love your blog, please keep it going. James.

At 7:49 AM, Blogger Rox said...

LMAO swear to god, that James and I are two separate entities! LOL! So funny that you thought it was me.


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